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Please Note: Neither the Minister for Education nor the Department for Education has any power to directly intervene in any complaints relating to the operations of a non-government school. 



Positive, clear and effective processes for resolving grievances between the school and community members assist in the building of strong relationships, dispels anxiety, and ultimately provides students with an enhanced learning environment. Our school encourages clear, consultative and open communication. While we accept our responsibility to consult and to communicate both clearly and effectively with the community, community members also have an obligation to read notices and newsletters, to attend briefings, and to seek clarification when required. There may, however, still be times when members of the community disagree or are confused about the things that we are doing. It is essential that the established process as outlined below be followed to resolve grievances:



To provide clear, positive and fair processes that allow grievances to be aired and resolved in a timely and efficient manner.



Parents are encouraged to follow the guidelines outlined: 


  • Try to establish the facts as clearly as you can, be wary of third-hand information or gossip.

  • If the matter involves your child or an issue of everyday class operation, make an appointment to see their classroom teacher, detailing the reasons for the appointment.

  • Staff will attempt to resolve all issues using positive communication strategies.

  • If you feel that matter has not been resolved having met with the teacher then make an appointment with the Principal

  • An appointment should also be made with the Principal to discuss issues involving school policy, operations beyond your child’s classroom, concerns about staff, or grievances that are probably not easily resolved.

  • While ‘in principle’ support may be sought from the School Council, they will not simply become a conduit for community complaints, will not become involved in confidential or personal issues, and will generally refer specific grievances about individual staff to the Principal.

  • All grievances are to be kept as confidential as possible.

  • Community members may be accompanied by another person, in a support role, at appointments to resolve grievances.  

  • All formal discussions and processes involving grievances will be documented.

  • The Principal will exercise their judgment as to whether or not they will act upon anonymous complaints.

  • The Principal will provide community members with appropriate departmental contact names and numbers if grievances are not resolved.



Grievance Procedure

Situations will occur where staff or parents have concerns they feel may need addressing within the school community.  It is each staff member’s responsibility to:

  • Direct parents to follow the correct protocol

  • Maintain professional integrity in dealing with staff issues

  • Respect the confidentiality of parents in dealing with parent/student issues


Parent Concerns

If a parent has a concern it is their responsibility to express their concerns in writing or in person to the following personnel.  They may discontinue the process at the stage where they feel the issue has been appropriately dealt with. 

Step 1: Contact the staff member directly provided they feel comfortable

Step 2: Contact the Principal instead of step 1 or if not happy with the outcome of step 1.

Step 3: If not satisfied having followed through with the Principal, contact the School Council Chairperson

Step 4: If you still feel the matter is unresolved, then contact SA Conference Education Director.


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(08) 8396 2577

354 Wright Rd, Para Vista SA 5093, Australia


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