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National Reconciliation Week 2024: Now More Than Ever

We are excited to share the wonderful activities and events our school is participating in to celebrate National Reconciliation Week 2024. This week is an important time for all Australians to reflect on our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.

This year’s theme, “Now More Than Ever,” emphasizes the urgency and importance of continuing our efforts towards a reconciled nation.

Library Display Celebration

We are incredibly thankful for the involvement of all the students who helped create the amazing display in our school library. The display showcases artwork that beautifully represents the spirit of reconciliation.

Special Video by Class 6B

A special mention goes to the students in 6B, who created an inspiring video showing what reconciliation means to our students through interviewing several students from across all year levels.

Class 6B’s Chapel Presentation

Class 6B also took their learning to the next level by organizing a chapel service. They showcased their understanding of Reconciliation Week by learning Auslan and presenting various items in both the lower and upper chapels. This meaningful presentation included songs, prayers, and a song in Auslan, demonstrating their dedication to inclusive communication and respect for all cultures.

Thank you to everyone who participated and made National Reconciliation Week 2024 a memorable and impactful event.

Together, we can make a difference – Now more than ever!


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(08) 8396 2577

354 Wright Rd, Para Vista SA 5093, Australia


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