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Tomato Town

“Doot Doot!” (The traditional greeting in Tomato Town) - The Mayor of Tomato Town, Mr Gomez Pectin, tasked our Year 4 students with a rather tasty challenge this past semester: To grow their own tomatoes, sample a variety of ingredients such as herbs and veggies, and design their own healthy non-cooking recipe that features their fresh tomatoes! All a part of Food Specialisations (Design and Technologies), Science (biology) and healthy eating (Health), students have been learning about designing a safe environment for plants, researching recipe ideas, problem solving and working as a team to meet the needs of the design brief.

As promised, last Friday was held the Tomato Town Banquet! Mayor Gomez Pectin and his assistant, Ms Phenolic Flavanoid, visited our Year 4 munchkin chefs who had been working feverishly to create their recipes. Our guests then sampled every dish and scored them to a strict marking criteria.

“All the dishes were fantastic! So tasty and good looking!” exclaimed Ms Flavanoid. “VIVA EL TOMATE!” shouted Mayor Pectin. A fun tomato-filled time was had by all.



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